Allows agent to do two consecutive dashes that give you the ability to move 10x faster than your opponent.
Duration: 3s
Damage received from falls is reduced by 20 percent.
Creates an ink attack that allows the octopus to blind the enemy's screen and minimap vision.
The player has a higher speed of reaction, which slightly reduces aiming time and improves accuracy in combat.
You acquire the ability to deploy a turret that will attack the nearest enemy.
Duration: 20s
Reload your weapon 15% faster.
Generates a static barrier (stays in the place of creation and does not follow you), temporary, to hide and attack.
Duration: 5s
You recover 25 of your health when your life is below 15 pts.
Your bullets have snake venom attribute, causing your enemy to gain 2 seconds of additional damage for each bullet hit.
Duration: 3s
Runs 1.5 times faster after taking damage.
The Eagle reveals the position of your enemies
Duration: 3s
It will allow you to aim your weapon 35% faster
Kung Fu kick that hurts your enemies at close range.
You recover 10 pts of health when your life is below 10 pts.
The Armadillo turns into a deadly whirlpool that sends crippling damage to your opponent
Duration: 3s
20% Damage reduction when you health
is below 10%
Allows you to move silently at 150% of your normal speed.
Duration: 5s
For every second you run you recover 2.5 health.
Weapon Statistics
Weapon Statistics
Weapon Statistics
Weapon Statistics
Weapon Statistics
QOR-X Pass Lifetime Pass
-How to Play One Tap
-Between 2 Layers
-Spielworks and Qorbi World — a match made in gaming heaven
-One Tap on Owned
-One Tap Easy Login & Wallet Connection with SphereOne
-Qorbi World Pet Egg System
-Octopus Pet Drop
-NFTrade | Blog | One Tap: The Next Web3 Esports Sensation
-One Tap Beta Release: A New Era of Gaming is on the Horizon!